Pond Solutions -The Leading Pond and Watergarden Supply Company  Celebrating 25 Years Online!

Pond Algae Control

Posted by Pond Solutions on 27th Apr 2014

Have pond algae problems?  Is your pond water green and you want it to be clear?  We have the solutions for you!

First, understand that pond algae primarily needs 2 things to grow:  sunlight and nutrients.  It gets sunlight from the sun - of course - and gets nutrients from organic wastes and debris in the pond.  These wastes include:  fallen leaves, dead algae, dead pond weeds, fish poop, duck poop, lawn fertilizers, nutrients from nearby lawns that get into the pond due to rain run-off, and more.

To reduce the sunlight in your pond, you can add an aquatic sunblocker such as Aquashade. Aquashade is an aquatic sun blocker that blocks a lot of sun rays from penetrating through the water.  Submersible aquatic plants and pond weeds need sunlight to grow so when you add the Aquashade, it helps block out their needed sunlight and reduces their growth.  By adding it FIRST THING in the spring, you are getting a handle on your submersible pond weed growth before they become a problem. (A cheaper, non-EPA registered pond dye is Cygnet Select that we sell.  Some states that won't allow Aquashade to be shipped will allow the Cygnet Select.)

Next, definitely start adding your PlanktoniX pond cleaning bacteria ASAP.  We've found, hands down, this to be the #1 pond bacteria.  This beneficial bacteria product does dozens of awesome things for your pond!  It breaks down and eats up sludge, compost, muck, slime - all the nasty stuff that makes your pond look awful.  It's that same nasty stuff that FEEDS your algae and unwanted pond weeds and cause them to grow!  So, get yourself on a REGULAR treatment plan of using PlanktoniX. 

No need to worry - PlanktoniX is NOT a chemical.  It's an all-natural product.  For ponds in bad condition, we've had very successfully results used 2-10 times the 'recommended' amount with an aerator to give the pond a blast of good bacteria to get things going.  Every pond is different, though and depends on the number of fish you have, the size of the pond, type of aeration, etc..  Again, it's NOT a chemical.  It's a natural product.  Works fantastic at removing the waste that cause SO MANY problems in the pond!  We offer it in 2, 10 and 25 lb containers.  Buy by the bulk and save. 

So, do yourself a favor and start combatting pond algae before it starts to grow - early in the season.  Use the Aquashade, PlanktoniX and get yourself a good pond aerator and so, soooo many of your problems can be eliminated.  Really!  It's 'that' simple!

#PondAlgaeControl  #KillPondAlgae  #NaturalPondAlgaeControl  #PondSupplies  #PondSolutions  #ClearPondAlgae