If you're wanting to reduce as much pond weed growth and algae growth this year, you'll want to do one of two things.
First, you'll want to add some aquatic sunblocker such as our Aquashade, Black Vail, Blue Vail, or Blue/Black Vail. These products help block the amount of sunlight that filters through the water that submersed algae, pond weeds (and yes, pond plants, too) need in order to grow. You can do this by adding any one of these products early in the season - even after the ice melts. Be careful, though - as these are pond dyes and will stain your hands, pants, shoes, etc. when applying. Definitely wear old clothes and gloves because no matter how careful you are at applying them, you'll inevitably get some on you.
As far as their application, they're super easy to do. Just pour the recommended amount at the pond's edge and it will end up getting dispersed throughout. If you have an aerator, that will ensure faster delivery throughout the water. Also, be careful of nearby rocks, trees, plants, etc. because again, you'll probably get some on them. I pour it as close to the water's surface as possible to avoid the wind picking it up and blowing tiny particles around.
The second thing you'll want to add is a great beneficial bacteria that will eat up the nutrients in the water that is providing nutrition to the unwanted algae and pond weeds from growing. You add this when water temperatures are a bit warmer, around 50 degrees.
Remember - algae and unwanted pond weeds need 2 things to grow: nutrients and sunlight. You block/reduce the amount of sunlight to them by using one of the above aquatic sunblockers and you reduce the available nutrients to them by using a great pond bacteria product such as our Microbe-Lift PL for small ponds less than 250 square feet or our PlanktoniX bacteria for larger ponds and lakes. Anything else you can do to eliminate nutrients from getting in the water from sludge, muck, fallen leaves, uneaten fish poop, etc. will be great. Some of those things may include a pond skimmer, a pond net, bottom pond drain, and diverting rain run-off from flowing into the pond.
All of these products are safe to swim in, birds and dogs to occasionally drink, etc. when following the manufacturer's recommended amount.
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