Privacy Policy
We do not sell nor distribute information about any of our customers including email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers or credit card information with the exception of using a third party email program to distribute emails to you or a newsletter from us.
We do furnish the person's name, mailing address and phone number to our motor freight company or supplier only if a product is to be shipped directly by them.
You can be assured that the information you provide to us is kept strictly confidential with only the minimum number of people to know your contact information under normal business practices. We never sell or give your personal information to anyone not included in how we conduct our normal business practice.
Your credit card information is not available to us. Our shopping cart program is secure and is PCI Compliant with our credit card processor knowing your credit card details - as any credit card processor would.
If you have any concerns at all, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your trust and enjoy our website!